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Ron Belak is normally available to give presentations at chapter meetings of Trout Unlimited and other fly-fishing clubs in the Denver metro area from September through mid-May. In-person presentations include "800 High Lakes in Colorado:  Recommendations on Where to Fish." This presentation uses materials from his book "The Fishing Guide to 800 High Lakes in Colorado." Ron also gives a limited number of presentations in other areas of Colorado. Other topics available are: "Fly Fishing Colorado's Backcountry," "Strategies for Fishing High Lakes," "Photographing Fish," "Fishing the Backcountry of Argentina, Alaska and Colorado without Busting Your Butt," "Fishing Alaska from a Coloradan's Perspective" and "Front Range Stillwaters," a new presentation that explores high lakes and drive-up reservoirs from the southern boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the Highway 285 corridor. Ron also gives presentations on wildlife and birds to Audubon and local camera and photography clubs. He has presentations on Tanzania, Ecuador/Galapagos, Peru, Sweden and Norway, and South Africa. He can be reached through the CONTACT page.


 Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 21 through 23, 2025:  Denver Fly Fishing Show. Join Ron for presentations on Colorado's high mountain lakes and for signing of his books.


     Fri., 1 PM, Destination Theater A."Front Range Stillwaters: The Best of Colorado's 800 High Lakes."

            2 PM, Author's Booth

            3 PM, Destination Theater A. "800 High Lakes in Colorado: The Best on the West Slope."


     Sat., 12 PM, Author's Booth

             1 PM, Destination Theater B. "800 High Lakes in Colorado: The Best on the West Slope."

             3 PM, Destination Theater A."Front Range Stillwaters: The Best of Colorado's 800 High Lakes."


     Sun., 9:30, Strike Room. "Front Range Stillwaters: The Best of Colorado's 800 High Lakes."

              12 PM, Destination Theater A. "Front Range Stillwaters: The Best of Colorado's 800 High Lakes."

              1 PM, Author's Booth

              2 PM, "Front Range Stillwaters: The Best of Colorado's 800 High Lakes."


Thursday, March 6, 2025:  Boulder Flycasters, Youth Education Fundraiser, Boulder, CO


Ron is the guest speaker and will deliver a program entitled "Fly Fishing the High Lakes in the Indian Peaks and James Peak Wilderness Areas." Doors open at 6 PM at the Twisted Pine Brewing Company, 3201 Walnust St., Suite A, Boulder, CO. Funds raised will support Trout Unlimited Trout-in-the-Classroom programs within Boulder County schools, as well as fund scholarships to the annual Colorado Trout Unlimited Youth Summer Camp. There will be food, drink and numerous door prizes supplied by local merchants. Ron's books will be available for purchase (cash or check only, please). For more information and to purchase tickets see boulderflycasters.org.